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MAS Multiple Award Schedule - Available offerings include commercial goods and services organized by 12 Large Categories, corresponding Subcategories, and SINs.

MAS Category list:

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Professional Services - Technical and Engineering Services (non-IT)
Category Description
541330ENG Engineering Services - Services include: applying physical laws and principles of engineering in the design, development, and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, processes, and systems. Services may involve any of the following activities: provision of advice, concept development, requirements analysis, preparation of feasibility studies, preparation of preliminary and final plans and designs, provision of technical services during the construction or installation phase, inspection and evaluation of engineering projects, and related services.

NOTE: Services under this SIN cannot include architect-engineer services as defined in the Brooks Act and FAR Part 2, or construction services as defined in FAR Parts 2 and 36.
Subgroups (Subgroups are provided for market research purposes only. Buyers should confirm specific contract offerings are available by verifying awarded products and services on the contractor's GSA pricelist.)
  Chemical Engineering Services
  Civil Engineering
  Construction Management Services
  Electrical Engineering Services
  Engineering Consulting Services Relating to Real Property
  Fire Protection Engineering Services
  Mechanical Engineering Services
  Space Launch Integrated Services (SLIS)
  Systems Engineering
541370GIS Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Services - Geographic Information Services (GIS) provided in support of environmental program include: cultural resource GIS (CRGIS); groundwater monitoring; growth forecast modeling; habitat conservation plans; habitat modeling; image analysis support for emergency response; mapping, cartography, and mashups (e.g., combining data from more than one source into a single integrated tool to include aerial mapping); migration pattern analysis; natural resource planning; remote sensing for environmental studies; terrestrial, marine, and/or atmospheric measuring/management; vegetation mapping; and watershed characterization for mitigation planning.

NOTE: The services offered under this scope shall NOT include surveying and mapping services as set forth in FAR Part 36, and defined under the Brooks Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-582, 40 U.S. 1102 et seq.).
541420 Engineering System Design and Integration Services - Services include creating and developing designs and specifications that optimize the use, value, and appearance of their products. These services can include determination of the materials, construction, mechanisms, shape, color, and surface finishes of the product, taking into consideration human characteristics and needs, safety, market appeal, and efficiency in production, distribution, use, and maintenance.

Associated tasks include, but are not limited to computer-aided design, e.g. CADD, risk reduction strategies and recommendations to mitigate identified risk conditions, fire modeling, performance-based design reviews, high level detailed specification and scope preparation, configuration, management and document control, fabrication, assembly and simulation, modeling, training, consulting, analysis of single or multi spacecraft missions and mission design analysis.

NOTE: Services under this NAICs can not include architect-engineer services as defined in the Brooks Act and FAR Part 2 or construction services as defined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 36 and Part 2.

An implementation guide for Space launch Integration Services (SLIS) can be found at - click on "Professional Engineering Solutions".
541690 Technical Consulting Services - Services include providing advice and assistance on technical domains and issues (except those covered by the environmental,energy, and IT consulting SINs on this Schedule). Typical associated tasks include, but are not limited to: strategic planning, feasibility analysis, requirements determination, policy interpretation and support, process analysis and/or development, research studies, testing (other than laboratory testing), program analysis, and associated support tasks.
541715 Engineering Research and Development and Strategic Planning - Service include conducting research and experimental development (except nanotechnology and biotechnology research and experimental development) in the physical, engineering and life sciences such as; such as agriculture, electronics, environmental, biology, botany, computers, chemistry, food, fisheries, forests, geology, health, mathematics, medicine, oceanography, pharmacy, physics, veterinary and other allied subjects.

Typical tasks include, but are not limited to, analysis of mission, program goals and objectives, program evaluations, analysis of program effectiveness, requirements analysis, organizational performance assessment, special studies and analysis, training, and consulting; requirements analysis, cost/cost performance trade-off analysis,feasibility analysis, developing and completing fire safety evaluation worksheets as they relate to professional engineering services; operation and maintenance, evaluation of inspection, testing, and maintenance program for fire protection and life safety systems, program/project management, technology transfer/insertion, training and consulting.

NOTE: Services under this NAICs can not include architect-engineer services as defined in the Brooks Act and FAR Part 2 or construction services as defined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 36 and Part 2.
Scientific Management and Solutions - Scientific Services
Category Description
541990TAD Technical/Application Development Support (TADS) - Includes technical or application development support, such as systems integration and application development.

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