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GSA Federal Acquisition Service
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MAS Multiple Award Schedule - Available offerings include commercial goods and services organized by 12 Large Categories, corresponding Subcategories, and SINs.

MAS Category list:

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Human Capital - Background Investigations
Category Description
561611 Background Investigation Services - A variety of background investigations of persons for Federal Government purposes (including employment) are provided. Examples of background investigation services include but are not limited to: Provide background investigations (background checks) for potential or existing employees in accordance with applicable Federal, State and local regulations. Verification of previous employers; salary histories; criminal records checks; education verification; and credit history checks. All investigative activities must be conducted in compliance with the Fair Credit Report Act as amended. Upon request, investigative services offered include Local Agency Check (LAC), National Agency Check with Local Agency Checks and credit checks (NACLC), Single Scope Background Investigations (SSBI), SSBI - Periodic Reinvestigation (SSBI-PR) and Single Scope Background Investigations - Misconduct Investigations (SSBI-MI). These investigative services can support the authorized Department/Agencies in acquiring Reports of Investigation (ROI) in areas of public trust, national security and suitability investigations conducted by the Federal Government in compliance with appropriate sections of the United States Code (i.e. Title 5, Title 15), Executive Orders and requesting Department/Agency Directives, Policies and Procedures. Service providers must operate from a facility approved in accordance with the provisions of the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM). Investigative Support Personnel and the Field Investigator staff must have active security clearances to the appropriate level as required by the customer Agency/Department.

For general questions, contact:
National Customer Service Center
Call: 1-800-488-3111
MAS Multiple Award Schedule - Available offerings include commercial goods and services organized by 12 Large Categories, corresponding Subcategories, and SINs.

MAS Category list:

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Professional Services - Training
Category Description
333318TDTM Off-the-Shelf Training Devices and Training Materials - Off-the-Shelf Training Devices: Proposed training devices shall be commercially-available off-the-shelf training devices to include software programs, teaching machines and devices, simulators such as driving simulators, flight simulators, etc., prepared printed instructional material, medical models and simulators, prepared audio and visual instruction material and multimedia program kits. Customizable Training Devices: Proposed customized training devices and simulators shall be in addition to the or the result of planning, designing, and/or producing customized training products that include but are not limited to print, audio/visual, audio, digital formats and emerging technologies. Proposed training devices, print materials, audio-visual and multimedia formats, electronic media, etc., shall directly train students in a specific subject matter(s) or assist in the training of a specific subject matter(s). Customizable Training Devices/Materials: Proposed off-the-shelf devices and simulators may be customized to customer specifications via a scope of work and priced on a firm fixed price or labor hour basis.
611430 Professional and Management Development Training - Services include offering an array of short duration courses and seminars for management and professional development. Training for career development may be provided directly to individuals or through employers' training programs, and courses may be customized or modified to meet the special needs of customers. Instruction may be provided in diverse settings, such as the establishment's or agency's training facilities, and through diverse means, such as correspondence, television, the Internet, or other electronic and distance-learning methods. The training provided may include the use of simulators and simulation methods. Proposed professional services shall be in support of planning, creating, and/or executing testing and test administration, learning management, internship, or development of new courses or subject matter delivered via an instructor-led (i.e. traditional classroom setting or conference/seminar) and/or web-based (i.e. Internet/Intranet, software packages and computer applications) system.

Examples include Training Services that are instructor led Training or Web Based Training of Education Courses, Course Development and Test Administration, Learning Management, and Internships; Environmental Training Services in order to meet Federal mandates and Executive Orders; training of agency personnel to deal with media and media responses; Logistics Training Services related to system operations, automated tools for supply and value chain management, property and inventory management, distribution and transportation management, and maintenance of equipment and facilities; Audit & Financial training services related to course development and instruction required to support audit, review, financial assessment and financial management activities.

Any firm offering Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) and Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C) Training for Acquisition Workforce Personnel will include an identify only DAWIA and FAC-C courses that have been deemed DAU equivalent or approved by the Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI).

NOTE: In accordance with OMB Policy Letter 05-01, civilian agencies must follow the course equivalency determinations accepted by the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) to ensure that core training is comparable across the workforce and qualifies for certification. When procuring FAC-C and DAWIA training for the audience identified below, the task order level Contracting Officer shall confirm that the courses being acquired are listed on one of the following websites: OR (click on commercial vendors). Training Audience-Acquisition professionals interested in completing FAC-C or DAWIA.
611512 Flight Training - Includes aviation and flight training
611710 Educational Support Services - Includes support personnel and services for educational needs, including training.
611TRAINAW Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) and Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C) Professional Development Training for Acquisition Workforce Personnel - In accordance with OMB Policy Letter 05-01, civilian agencies must follow the course equivalency determinations accepted by the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) to ensure that core training is comparable across the workforce and qualifies for certification. This SIN is intended to include only DAWIA and FAC-C courses that have been deemed DAU equivalent or approved by the Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI).

When procuring FAC-C and DAWIA training for the audience identified below, the task order level Contracting Officer shall confirm that the courses being acquired are listed on one of the following websites: OR (click on commercial vendors).

Training Audience Acquisition professionals interested in completing FAC-C or DAWIA training.

NOTE: Offerors Shall Provide the Following: A copy of the DAU Equivalency and/or FAI Verification issued for each course offered.

Resumes of all proposed instructors

A detailed training plan evidencing how instructors are kept up to date and conversant with federal acquisition regulations on a continuous basis.

References: Last 3 customers.

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