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GSA Federal Acquisition Service
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MAS Multiple Award Schedule - Available offerings include commercial goods and services organized by 12 Large Categories, corresponding Subcategories, and SINs.

MAS Category list:

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Professional Services - Business Administrative Services
Category Description
541611 Management and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support, and Business Program and Project Management Services - Provide operating advice and assistance on administrative and management issues. Examples include: strategic and organizational planning, business process improvement, acquisition and grants management support, facilitation, surveys, assessment and improvement of financial management systems, financial reporting and analysis,due diligence in validating an agency's portfolio of assets and related support services, strategic financial planning, financial policy formulation and development,special cost studies, actuarial services, economic and regulatory analysis, benchmarking and program metrics, and business program and project management.

Inherently Governmental services as identified in FAR 7.503 or by the ordering agency are prohibited. It is the responsibility of the Contracting Officer placing the order to make this determination. Ordering activities must require prospective contractors to identify potential conflicts of interest and address those, prior to task order award.

Personal services as defined in FAR 37.104 are prohibited.
Subgroups (Subgroups are provided for market research purposes only. Buyers should confirm specific contract offerings are available by verifying awarded products and services on the contractor's GSA pricelist.)
  Acquisition/Grant Management Support
  Actuarial Services
  Customer Survey Services
  Facilitation Services
  Financial Consulting Services
  Financial, Economic and Regulatory Analysis Support
  Management Consulting Services
  Program/Project Management Support
  Strategic Planning
  Program Evaluation Services
561450 Business Information Services (BIS) - Services include electronic and non-electronic transmission of consumer and/or business: credit reports, address verification reports, skip location reports, public information, domestic business profile, international business profile, mortgage reports, supplemental credit reference reports, bond rating, managed fund rating, institutional ranking, data processing (credit/financial) credit scoring, security freeze (lock credit file), merged credit files, business credit risk assessment, and miscellaneous business information services. Firms may provide computer software intended for BIS use and customization of reports.

For general questions, contact:
National Customer Service Center
Call: 1-800-488-3111
MAS Multiple Award Schedule - Available offerings include commercial goods and services organized by 12 Large Categories, corresponding Subcategories, and SINs.

MAS Category list:

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Professional Services - Marketing and Public Relations
Category Description
323111SBSA Photographic Services and Solutions - Includes a full range of Photographic Film, Imaging, Digital Services and Multimedia Duplication, Conversion Services and Web-Site Photo Storage Services. Film Processing Services include all sizes, colors and types (e.g., negatives, microfilm, 16/35mm & intermediates color reversal, reprints, duplicates of slides and prints enhancements, enlargements, filmstrips & slides (e.g., master filmstrip photography, master original (2x2) slide photography and duplicate, color positive filmstrip and color positive (2x2) slide duplicate). Imaging/Digital Services include (e.g., desktop, scanning, photo finishing, output retouching, photo restoration and recovery, aerial, archiving, C-41 negatives and inter-negatives digital photography & darkroom passport photos, electronic file transfer, imaging client-generated slides, mounting or prints, presentation slides and portable displays. Portable Displays are imaging exhibits used for (e.g., trade shows, displays, presentations, meeting and conferences) which comes with various configurations e.g., headers graphics, lights shelving, back lighting, and photo mural and panel inserts. Includes a wide range of media duplication (e.g., film-to-film, tape-to-tape, CD-to-CD, disk-to-disk) and conversion services (e.g., film-to-tape, tape-to-film, film-to-CD, CD-to-internet, tape-to-CD, microfilm-to-tape, photo-to-slides, files-to-presentation slides). These services consist of any media of choice. Other direct related services may include (e.g., editing, scanning, restoration, sound services (music score, sound effects, sound track quality and other sound-related services), internet, video tape captioning and subtitle services, edge numbering, scratch removal, print cleaning, packaging, film treatment, loading of cassettes, animations and time encoding. Under Web-Site Photo Storage Services, customer pictures are scanned and posted to a web site maintained by the vendor on a short/long term basis. The customer can then view the scanned
512110 Video/Film Production - Services include writing, directing, shooting, arranging for talent / animation, narration, music and sound effects, duplication, distribution, video scoring; and editing.

Videotape and film production services will be provided to inform the public and Government agencies about the latest products, services, and/or issues in various outputs such as: industry standard formats, accessibility and video streaming development. Filming in studios, on location, live shows or events may also be required.

NOTE: Any commissions received for media placement will either (a) be returned to the ordering agency or (b) applied as a credit to the cost of the project, whichever the ordering agency prefers.
541430 Graphic Design Services - Services include planning, designing, and managing the production of visual communication in order to convey specific messages or concepts, clarify complex information, or project visual identities.

These services can include the design of printed materials, packaging, advertising, signage systems, and corporate identification (logos) and can include commercial artists engaged exclusively in generating drawings and illustrations requiring technical accuracy or interpretative skills

Examples include commercial art, graphic design, special effects services that educate the consumer market about product(s) and/or service(s); updating, rewriting, and/or editing pre existing materials: developing conceptual design and layouts, creating sketches, drawings, publication designs, and typographic layouts; and furnishing custom or stock artwork (including electronic artwork).

NOTE: Any commissions received for media placement, conference planning, etc. will either (a) be returned to the ordering agency or (b) applied as a credit to the cost of the project, whichever the ordering agency prefers.
541511 Web Based Marketing - Services include, but are not limited to writing, modifying, testing, and supporting software to meet the needs of a particular customer. This can include website design and maintenance services, search engine development, email marketing, interactive marketing, web based advertising (including marketing and social media outlets), webcasting, video conferencing via the web, section 508 compliance, including captioning services, online media management; and related activities to web based services.

Media will be provided in a format that is compatible with the ordering agency's software requirements. Continual website updates and maintenance may also be required.

NOTE: Any commissions received for media placement, conference planning, etc. will either (a) be returned to the ordering agency or (b) applied as a credit to the cost of the project, whichever the ordering agency prefers.
541613 Marketing Consulting Services - Services include providing operating advice and assistance on marketing issues, such as developing marketing objectives and policies, sales forecasting, marketing planning and strategy, and development of multi-media campaigns. Services relating to providing assistance with challenges, contests, and competitions, such as providing marketing and advertising support, assistance with conducting the challenge / contest / competition, facilitating events; and supporting the judging of events are included. The challenge / contest / competition may be to identify a solution to a particular problem or to accomplish a particular goal. Prizes or other incentives may be offered by customers to find innovative or cost-effective solutions to improving open government. Solutions may be ideas, designs, proofs of concept or finished products. SIN 541810ODC must be used in conjunction with the payment for prizes or other incentives.

NOTE: Any commissions received for media placement, conference planning, etc. will either (a) be returned to the ordering agency or (b) applied as a credit to the cost of the project, whichever the ordering agency prefers.
541810 Advertising Services - Services provided under this SIN will promote public awareness of an agency's mission and initiatives, enable public understanding of complex technical and social issues, disseminate information to industry and consumer advocacy groups and engage in recruitment campaigns. Services include, but are not limited to the following components: advertising objective determination, message decision / creation, media selection, outdoor marketing and media services, broadcast media (radio, TV, internet and public service announcements), direct mail services,media planning, media placement services, advertising evaluation, related activities to advertising services.

NOTE: Any commissions received for advertising agencies will either (a) be returned to the ordering agency or (b) applied as a credit to the cost of the project, whichever the ordering agency prefers.
541810ODC Other Direct Costs for Marketing and Public Relations Services - All Other Direct Costs (ODCs) proposed must be directly related and only purchased in conjunction with Marketing and Public Relations Subcategory services offered under these SINS: 512110, 541430, 541511, 541613, 541810, 541820, 541850, 541910, 541922, and 561920. ODCs shall be an integral part of the total marketing consulting services solution and shall not be the primary purpose of the work ordered. Items awarded under SIN 541810 ODC are not Order-Level Materials (OLMs). ODC's are defined, priced, and awarded at the FSS contract level, whereas OLMs are unknown before an order is placed. Possible ODCs may include: funding for payment of media spots on television/radio/social media, conference meeting space, prize payments, etc. Travel and per diem are not considered ODCs.

NOTE: Any commissions received for Marketing and Public Relations Subcategory will either (a) be returned to the ordering agency or (b) applied as a credit to the cost of the project, whichever the ordering agency prefers.
541820 Public Relations Services - Services provided include providing customized media and public relation services such as the development of media messages and strategies; providing recommendations of media sources for placement of campaigns; preparing media materials such as, background materials, press releases, speeches and presentations and press kits: executing media programs, conducting press conferences, scheduling broadcast and/or print interviews, media alerts and press clipping services related activities to public relations services.

NOTE: Any commissions received for media placement, conference planning, etc. will either (a) be returned to the ordering agency or (b) applied as a credit to the cost of the project, whichever the ordering agency prefers.
541850 Exhibit Design and Advertising Services - Services include conceptualizing, designing and producing exhibits and their accompanying materials, providing and/or making recommendations for carpet and padding installation for exhibit property; preview, set-up and dismantling of exhibit property, cleaning, prepping and storing exhibit property for future use, shipping exhibit property to and from designated site(s); and media illumination services

NOTE: Any commissions received for media placement, conference planning, etc. will either (a) be returned to the ordering agency or (b) applied as a credit to the cost of the project, whichever the ordering agency prefers.
541910 Marketing Research and Analysis - Services include customizing strategic marketing plans, branding initiatives, creating public awareness of products, services, and issues; targeting market identification and analysis, establishing measurable marketing objectives; determining market trends and conditions, identifying and implementing appropriate strategies, conducting focus groups, telemarketing, individual interviews, preparing/distributing surveys, and compiling/analyzing results, establishing call centers (in relation to services provided under this schedule).

NOTE: Any commissions received for media placement, conference planning, etc. will either (a) be returned to the ordering agency or (b) applied as a credit to the cost of the project, whichever the ordering agency prefers.
541922 Commercial Photography Services - Services include photography which may be used for commercial advertisements and/or illustrations that will appear in books, magazines, and/or other forms of media such as: black and white, color photography, digital photography, aerial photography, architectural photography, still photographs, field and studio photography; and related photography services such as photo editing and high-resolution scans.

NOTE: Any commissions received for commercial photography services will either (a) be returned to the ordering agency or (b) applied as a credit to the cost of the project, whichever the ordering agency prefers.
561920 Conference, Meeting, Event and Trade Show Planning Services - Service include organizing, promoting, and/or managing events, such as business and trade shows, conventions, conferences, and meetings (whether or not they manage and provide the staff to operate the facilities in which these events take place), project management, coordination and implementation of third party participation, collection management of third party payment for participation, liaison support with venue, audiovisual and information technology support, topic and speaker identification, site location research, reservation of facilities, on-site meeting and registration support, editorial services, automation and telecommunications support, design and editing productions; and mailing and other communication with attendees including pre/post meeting mailings/travel support and computer database creation.

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